Bereavement, Loss and Trauma

When a significant person in our lives dies we are bereaved.

point10px 1  The grief we experience is a natural and necessary emotional response to that loss.  
point10px 1  Grief is unique and as individuals we all grieve differently.
point10px 1  Grief takes the time it needs and is different for everyone.  
point10px 1  There is no right or wrong way to grieve.
point10px 1  Grief also has a “ripple effect” impacting on family and friends.

Losses other than bereavement also occur in life presenting each of us with their own unique challenges.
point10px 1  Life changes/transitions – children leaving home, retirement.
point10px 1  Changes associated with having an ageing parent/relative/partner.
point10px 1  Dealing with the mental illness of a family member.
point10px 1  Disability in oneself or a family member.
point10px 1  Life threatening illness in oneself or a family member.
point10px 1  Infertility issues or loss of a baby/child during or after pregnancy.

Emotional and psychological trauma is the result of a severely distressing event or experience which overwhelms our normal capacity to cope and function. It is in fact a normal reaction to an abnormal event.

It is important to recognize that what is distressing for some may not be for others. Not all survivors of trauma need therapy, but for some it may help in preventing further stress or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Counselling Centre for
Loss, Grief & Trauma
(03) 9509 0097

Myths about Grief

You must talk about your grief.

No - while some of us do need to talk about our feelings, the lost relationship and consider our own mortality and the meaning of life, others are “doers” and their focus is on activity.  None of us are either one or the other and there are many shades of grey in between through which we move back and forth.


Grief should be “over” in a certain time.

No - the length of time that people grieve varies from person to person. The absence felt will always be part of your life. However the intensity and waves of emotions and feelings will lessen over time.